Practice News & Announcements

Welcome to Murrayfield Medical Centre

We provide comprehensive NHS primary care services to help you manage your health and well-being.

Our aim is to provide a high quality, caring and personal healthcare service to our whole patient population.

Please help us by getting the right care in the right place by:

  • searching NHSInform.Scot for self-help advice on common symptoms and a guide to local services and opening times
  • visiting your local pharmacy first to help treat minor illnesses, many can provide consultations without an appointment and prescribe medicines previously only available from your GP
  • calling the GP practice for routine or urgent care during normal opening hours
  • contacting your dentist for dental problems or an optician for eye problems
  • calling 111, day or night, for minor injuries advice and treatment or for urgent care when your GP or dental practice is closed
  • dialing 999 or attend A&E ONLY in a critical emergency

ANNOUNCEMENT: Dr Nickerson is currently off work on bereavement leave due to the death of her husband following a short illness. She is expected to return to work in due course.

Know who to turn to for your healthcare

We want to help you get the right medical assistance when you’re ill, injured or have a long term condition. Going directly to the person with the appropriate skills is important. This can help you to a speedier recovery and makes sure all NHS services are run efficiently.


When you need healthcare advice or help with medicines


Sudden loss of vision. Blurred vision. Painful or red eyes?


When your mouth or teeth need urgent attention

NHS Out-of-hours

When your GP and local pharmacy are closed

Minor Injuries Unit

When you need urgent care for a minor injury, burn or fracture

Accident & Emergency

When an illness or injury is serious or life-threatening



No practices in North West Edinburgh will be prescribing ADHD medications for NEW patients from private clinics. This applies to both Adults and Children.

This does not affect patients who are already currently prescribed ADHD medication.