Self Referral

Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP. However, there are a number of local services, listed below, that you are able to make self referrals to.

Ear Syringing

The Local CTAC (Community Treatment And Care) service situated at Sighthill and Allermuir Medical Centres can be contacted by phone. This is an automated service where you will be asked to leave your details and an letter with an appointment will be sent out in the post. Or you can email with your name, date of birth, address and your registered practice.
0131 537 7205

Lothian Sexual Health

Everyone is welcome at our services. Whatever your sexuality, gender identity, age, ethnicity, or religion, we treat everyone with the respect and care they deserve.
0131 536 1070


The podiatry team is made up of Podiatrists, Podiatry assistants and Admin staff who are responsible for delivering podiatry services across Lothian. All our Podiatrists are registered by the Health and Care Professions council (HCPC). The podiatry department triage all new patient referrals. Please provide us with as much information as possible and include all relevant medical history and medication. Priority appointments are determined based on the information provided within the referral.

Musculoskeletal Out-Patient Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal conditions are those which affect the bones, muscles, tendons and joints – such as back pain, sports injuries, arthritis, sprains and strains. MSK Physiotherapy Services help support people with MSK problems through education, advice, movement, exercise and other approaches. To find out how to access MSK Out Patient Physiotherapy visit the following site.

Mental Health Crisis?

MHAS is an emergency mental health assessment service. It is a mental health nurse led team based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for mental health emergencies.
0131 537 6000